Do school librarians matter?
In recent years, research has highlighted the important role of school librarians in enhancing student success. These studies, known as the School Library Impact Studies, have shown that high-quality library programs have a positive correlation with student achievement. This blog post explores the findings of these studies, emphasizing the significance of school librarians in promoting student achievement.
Librarians and Student Achievement:
Numerous studies consistently demonstrate a positive relationship between full-time, qualified school librarians and student performance in language arts, reading, and writing tests. The presence of librarians has been associated with improved scores, even after considering student demographics and school characteristics. For instance, a national study revealed that the absence of librarians led to declines in reading scores, while schools with librarians saw improved scores. Similar findings were observed in a Pennsylvania study, where schools with full-time librarians achieved significantly higher reading and writing scores.
Long-Term and Cumulative Effect:
The impact of school librarians extends beyond immediate gains. Schools with full-time librarians consistently displayed better reading scores across all grade levels, with a more significant effect on at-risk student subgroups. Students from diverse backgrounds, such as Black students, Latino students, and students with disabilities, benefited greatly from having full-time librarians, leading to substantial improvements in reading and writing scores. Moreover, increased library staff, larger collections, and improved access to technology and databases were associated with even higher academic gains among these student subgroups.
Math Scores and Graduation Rates:
In addition to literacy, studies have shown that the presence of certified school librarians predicts higher math scores in elementary and middle schools. A study in Washington state revealed that a quality library program was the distinguishing factor between high-performing and low-performing high-poverty schools. Schools with high-quality libraries and certified librarians exhibited significantly higher graduation rates and test scores in reading and math, even after accounting for factors such as school size and poverty.
Mastery of Academic Standards:
Quality school library programs contribute to students' mastery of state or national academic standards. A study in South Carolina found that students with full-time, qualified librarians and strong library programs were more likely to meet exemplary levels and less likely to fall short of specific standards for using literary text, informational text, and conducting research.
The research consistently emphasizes the importance of school librarians and high-quality library programs in promoting student achievement. Beyond improved test scores, these programs positively impact graduation rates, mastery of academic standards, and performance across various subjects. School librarians play a vital role in leveling the playing field, particularly for vulnerable and at-risk learners, by providing equitable opportunities for success. Recognising and investing in the invaluable contributions of school librarians is needed as we strive to enhance education and ensure equitable outcomes for all students.