Please Note: Supervisors are only permitted between 3 and 5 hours of total meeting time
with EE students.
Stage 1: Subject and Topic Selection
January/February: Introduction to Research Methods
Students will attend EE sessions, explore ideas and learn about available research tools.
Meeting Dates and Benchmark Reminders:
Early February: Proposal Due and Check-in session #1 with your supervisor. Click here or scroll down to see more info about this session.
Stage 2: Development and Discussion
March to May: Working Draft, Interim Reflection
Students will develop a working draft of their EE, write interim reflection.
Mid-March: Mandatory Reflection Session #1: Final Research Proposal submitted and first reflection submitted on RPPF. Click here or scroll down to see more info about this session.
In between Mandatory Reflection #1 and #2: Schedule a time to meet with the librarian to discuss research process, share collected resources, and help finding resources.
Mid-March: Check-in session #2 with your supervisor. Click here or scroll down to see more info about this session.
Early June: Mandatory Reflection Session #2: Full working draft completed and second reflection submitted on RPPF. Click here or scroll down to see more info about this session.
Stage 3: Complete Extended Essay
August to November: Completion of EE, Final Reflection
Students will complete and submit a final version of their EE, write final reflection.
Late August: Check-in session #3 Complete draft submitted to supervisor. Click here or scroll down to see more info about this session.
EarlyNovember: Final Essay Submitted on Managebac.
Early November: Mandatory Reflection Session #3: Viva Voce Interview, Final reflection submitted on RPPF. Click here or scroll down to see more info about this session.
CHECK-IN Sessions
Check-In Session 1: In your initial check-in session with your supervisor, you should be prepared to discuss ideas you may have about what you would like to research in your chosen subject. Remember that this is a project you will be focussing on for more than a year, so choose wisely! You should leave this session with an agreement between you and your supervisor about the direction you now need to go to start your research.
Check-In Session 2: Come to this meeting with your supervisor with an update of what you may have found as far as some preliminary sources for your research and perhaps any initial direction changes. You should leave this meeting with an agreed understanding between you and your supervisor of a firm topic, preliminary research question and where to start gathering and and analysing qualified sources of information.
Check-In Session 3: This session is with your supervisor is held on the first day of school. You should be prepared to show your supervisor a completed draft copy of your extended essay. You have a little over a month to complete your final draft from this point.
From the EE Guide, “Between the first and second reflection session, students can engage in informal conversations with other people, such as subject teachers, the extended essay coordinator, the librarian or their supervisor. They must also ensure that they are progressing with their research plan.”
During this meeting, bring the resources you have collected, your research plan (where are you going, what do you need), any questions or concerns you may have about your current research. This meeting is to ensure that you are progressing with your research plan and on the right track.
As preparation for their first reflection session, students should do the following.
It is recommended at this point that the student–supervisor relationship is formalized and the student can consider himself or herself prepared for the first formal reflection session.
This initial reflection session should be a dialogue between the student and the supervisor based on the student’s initial explorations. It is recommended that the student sends their supervisor an outline of their research proposal ahead of the meeting in order to give the supervisor the opportunity to review their work. This will ensure that the reflection session is focused and productive.
Topics of discussion that should arise during this session include:
Following this first session, the student is required to complete the first student comment section of the Reflections on planning and progress form and submit it to their supervisor who must then initial and date the form. Please refer to the section “Protocols for completing and submitting the Reflections on planning and progress form” for more information.
Between the first and second reflection session, students can engage in informal conversations with other people, such as subject teachers, the extended essay coordinator, the librarian or their supervisor. They must also ensure that they are progressing with their research plan.
In preparation for the interim reflection session, students should have:
This session is a continuation of the dialogue between supervisor and student in which the student must demonstrate the progress they have made in their research. They must also be able to discuss any challenges they have encountered, offer their own potential solutions and seek advice as necessary.
During this session the supervisor might discuss:
By the end of the interim reflection session both student and supervisor should feel satisfied that there is:
Between the interim session and the completion of the extended essay, students should continue to see their supervisor as appropriate to their needs, although the third and final reflection session should not take place until after the extended essay has been completed and uploaded for submission.
Following this interim session, the student is required to complete the second student comment section of the Reflections on planning and progress form and submit it to their supervisor who must then initial and date the form. Please refer to the section “Protocols for completing and submitting the Reflections on planning and progress form” for more information.
Supervisors must have already read the final version of the essay, sent to them by the candidate, before this session takes place.
Students should bring the following to this session:
It is important to note that students must not be allowed to make any changes to their extended essay after this meeting. Once they have submitted the essay as final to their supervisor, it is the supervisor’s responsibility to ensure that changes are not made. This is particularly important for schools who allow candidate upload of the essay.
The viva voce is a short interview between the student and the supervisor, and is the mandatory conclusion to the extended essay process. Students who do not attend the viva voce will be disadvantaged under criterion E (engagement) as the Reflections on planning and progress form will be incomplete.
The viva voce is conducted once the student has submitted the final version of their extended essay. At this point in the process no further changes can be made to the essay. The viva voce is a celebration of the completion of the essay and a reflection on what the student has learned from the process.
The viva voce is:
The viva voce should last 20–30 minutes. This is included in the recommended amount of time a supervisor should spend with the student.
In conducting the viva voce and writing their comments on the Reflections on planning and progress form, supervisors should bear in mind the following.
Following this final session, the student is required to complete the last student comment section of the Reflections on planning and progress form and submit it to his or her supervisor, who must then add his or her own comments, and initial and date the form. Note that the maximum total word limit for the three reflections on the RPPF is 500. The supervisor must then upload the form into the e-coursework system, confirm the authenticity of both the form and essay, and submit them to the IB for assessment as one portfolio. Please refer to the section “Protocols for completing and submitting the Reflections on planning and progress form” for more information.
An RPPF that is blank, unsubmitted, or written in a language other than that of the essay, will be awarded a 0 for criterion E.